Friday, February 27, 2015

My first modern house concept built in Minecraft

I'm going to present a short story about my first minecraft modern house concept that I've built in Minecraft. I used to build outdated wooden houses just like a newbie would when he joins minecraft. I didn't know that I can also build more...newer, authentic houses. Well, here is the story.

It started as usual, building a garage for my house (yeah, you bet, it was made out of wood) and then started to build the second floor on top of it when I realised that it looks more like a "modern" square house, I replaced the wooden planks of the second floor with a quartz block, then everything changed in it's look. It was brighter, cleaner.....newer! I added some pillars, some modern elements to it, brown tinted windows and it started to get better and better until....I had an ideea! What about combining the old looking wooden planks with quartz blocks and create something different? I started to modify and change a lot of things until I finished my new house and it looked like this:

Left Side-Back:
Right Side-Back:

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